Sunday, September 5, 2010

i did it!!!

I took a step forward into trying to not be so social awkward! Thursday Roxy's school had an open house. I asked my mom to come with me but, she had other plans. All day Thursday I yo-yoed between going and not going. I picked Roxy up from school and she handed me an invite to open house that she personally made. I decided then and there my daughter deserved to have her mom go. So I got dressed, cried in my car, composed my self and walked into her school and did it! I know it seems like such a small feat but, its a one step close in reaching my goal. I talked to other parents, joined the school's PTO and talked to her teacher. I was was just happy I did it for Roxy! So I DID IT!!!! I have a long journey ahead of me but, at least I have the right foot forward!

me and roxy after open house!
I know yall just love my sideways pics!

1 comment:

  1. Thats awesome and I know Miss Roxy was probably SO proud!!!! :)
